Tuesday, September 1, 2015

dont worry aboutthe dates

it all looks weird, and the dates are all wrong this is my forth blog talking about this idky i keep gettingshut down.

i think my girl is a real person and someone else knows wh oshe is.  maybe its the person keeping her captife to something

idk sometimes i think im just going crazy but woudl a crazy person even ask if the ywere going crazy

my mom wants to see a shrink i told her im fine but she says that ive been crying inmy sleep, like calling out and screaming sometimes and she cnat wake me up. she says either i go talk to her therpissed or their gonna put me on drugs or both maybe.

honestly maybe i need to talk to someone the dreams i have are so beautifol and i feel so good, i dont even know why i would be cryin, but momma took a video of it after the last time she talked about it since i didnt believe her.

idk maybe itll be okay except what if i talk to someone or start taking drugs and then i never dream of her again

i don't know if i coudl live with that